About An Arabesque

Presented at signs and symbols, New York 
Available by consignment & in partnership

“Jonah Bokaer’s new work explores the arabesque as a formal term, visual motif and technical movement with a long and complex history, from an Islamic motif to a fundamental ballet position. The artist dissects and expands the history of the arabesque without collapsing it, following the strands into each discipline he works within — and reconciling tensions between the graphic and choreographic arts. Drawing on imagery from his extensive travels to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Jerusalem, Tunisia and Pakistan, he also seeks to soften the Western image of Middle Eastern and North African men. Made while in residence at the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation in Captiva, Florida, the image of Mada'In Saleh originates from Bokaer’s performance within archaeological ruins in Saudi Arabia.” - Mitra Khorasheh / Owner, and Bridget Casey / Sales Director.

FOR ALL SALES, PLEASE WRITE TO accounts@jonahbokaer.net OR CONTACT OUR OFFICE DIRECTLY AT (718)-418-4405